I've had a great week to lead me into this Soul Coaching journey. I just got back from Chicago, where I was studying with Sonia Choquette, who has been a mentor to me over the past 3-4 years. She is all about living from your spirit, so I was immersed in my spirit while with her and the other students. Still feeling that connection but not as strong as I would like...That's why I'm excited about Soul Coaching. I feel I need a more daily practice of getting in touch with me and I'm hoping this will show me the way to do that. I've also come to realize how much I go to other people looking for answers on what I should do, or what direction I should go instead of going inward to listen to myself. So it was very fitting when I opened a fortune cookie and found the message above in my hands. Just more proof that what I've been feeling was spot on. I love when that happens!!
I'm excited about putting together an altar. Although I'm also noticing some resistance to doing so, will people think I'm weird if they see it, or what if I don't do it "right". I think it's neat to have objects that represent the four elements, so I have candle for fire, I'll get a flower or leaf for earth, a small container for some water, but what to do for Air?? Maybe that's what incense is for?? I'll have to go out and to get that. I hope I get to see some of your altars! The whole process of putting together an altar does seem very sacred to me.
I also realized the need for affirmations in my life. I always feel silly saying affirmations to myself but I also feel that it really does work. Last week, Sonia Choquette told me that I'm not very receptive to my life being easier, so I thought I'd make that part of my affirmation:
"I am receptive to my life being easier. I am willing to allow my life to be easy and fun"
Did anybody else come up with affirmations?? I'd love to hear some of yours...as long as you don't mind me borrowing them!
hi there -
don't worry about your altar! You don't even have to post a picture if you don't want to - it's all for YOU!
It's very nice to meet you by the way! (I've not done any affirmations yet - I'll let you know if I come up with any!)
Hi Kelly
You lucky girl! I am just reading Sonia Choquette's latest book. I love her work.
I love affirmations.
Here is one for you:
I enjoy my life today. All is well in my delightful world.
Borrow away :) To tell the truth I'm not an Angeleno or even an American by birthplace, but it's my adopted home and where I choose to be for now. Keep in touch!
What an absolutely beautiful picture and message to start your post! I just smiled ear-to-ear when I arrived!
Whatever you create for your altar is absolutely perfect. Whatever inspires your heart and touches your soul is just right. I'd love to see it, if you choose to share.
I think my intentions for November could also be made into affirmations, for example, "I choose clarity, vitality and love." You can easily replace that with whatever you'd like to invite into this magical month :)
I have a few Sonia Choquette books and I think it's so neat that you get to spend time with her. She would be an amazing spiritual teacher.
I like your affirmation and, while I haven't thought of any yet, I'm sure they will come. I'm stoked to be sharing this soul journey with such a lovely group of people.
Continue to search within you it is there.
Hello Kelly! thanks for visiting my special Soul Coaching blog.
you are a very wise woman to realize that you have all your answers within.. that is your inner wise woman! well done xo
I am looking forward to this journey during November too. learning more about myself.. it is a journey through life and I guess we never get to the end of it because there is so much to learn.. but we have fun doing it for sure :)
an affirmation that came to me this morning while doing day one was:
I am aware of my angry self. I am willing to change.
bless you and enjoy your journey this month xo
(ps there is no 'right' way to create an altar.. just follow your heart..yes, incense can be air or a feather can be used also..)
Your affirmation is wonderful! and I love all the thought and care you are putting into an altar. As for the weird factor, when I put mine up (years ago, actually) I chose right in the middle of the living room because I wanted to see it all the time. It makes me feel good. Honestly, my family and friends have never said anything negative. . . I think they just think it is a cool "display". Funny thing--no one every puts anything there but me. No one. The rest of the house seems open territory and yet there seems to be something unspoken about the altar space.
Anyway, looking forward to hearing more from you.
I love the fortune cookie picture - how cool!!
I look forward to a month of sharing with you
I'm sure whatever you choose for your altar will be perfect, I say that hoping it also applies to mine which I am also having some resistance to.
Wonderful affirmation!
i was actually going to dip out of creating an actual altar but, having read about your hesitations, i realised that was what was stopping me. and so thanks, because tomorrow that's one of the things i am going to do: create an actual altar!
day 1 and you're inspiring people already!
oo, i love sonia choquette's writings. sounds like this is going to be a fabulous month! i never call my altar, an altar, it's just a sacred space where i've arranged things that have meaning for me. i love your affirmation!
hi kelly,
can't wait to see pics of your altar! i'm with you on the affirmations thing -- i've always been a bit uncomfortable with them, but i'm trying to keep an open mind as we work through soul coaching. i look forward to learning more about you!
I miss you buddy!!! I feel like we are in summer camp together, but across the country!!!
Wow, I didn't think to come up with an aspiration! What a brilliant idea. It sounds like you are experiencing the synchronicity already, very cool and very courageous to look inward for the answers - rock on!
I for one won't think you are weird for having your altar, nor think you didn't do it "right". It will be perfect and un-weird (unless you want otherwise!).
I would love to hear more about your time with Sonia Choquette. I read some of her books.
Hello little lady, I am twice your age and I love your blog. Don't try to 'please'. Stay true to yourself. This is your outlet. After all these years I have come to live by this saying "Lead me, follow me or get out of my way". Covers all bases. LOL And I voted for Cynthia McKinney, Green Party. It felt good to put my vote where it would count for years to come. Even after I'm gone.5% of the vote will go to the Green Party and I am on the ground floor. Peace & Love! Vote Yes on Question 2.
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