Sunday, November 2, 2008

The REAL Day One

Well, today was a lot of work! I started my altar as you can see, and will add more to it as the days go on. But on it is a photo of this giant Buddha from my trip to Hawaii last year, indian ghost beads from Sedona that represent earth since they are made of seeds and are for protection, a quartz crystal, and a white candle which is special to me because it from last weeks' training with Sonia Choquette and it was one of the candles on her altar. It's very simple and that speaks to me right now in my life.
Today's affirmation really spoke to me a great deal:

My evaluation of myself is not who I am.

I feel I'm always analyzing myself, trying to find out why I do or don't do things. So this affirmation brought me a sense of peace today. I even wrote in my journal-" I am so much more than any evaluation I could possibly come up with". That felt good to say to myself. Then as I went to the assessment it felt hard but necessary and overdue. It felt good, albeit scary, to bring my attention to myself in such a detailed and focused way. I went for level 2 today but I also do want to venture into today's level 3 territory at some point because those questions seem very important. I struggle a lot with my purpose and do I choose it or does it choose me. But I'm feeling a little too mental today so I'm gonna take a break and get outside or go see this art exhibit that I've been wanting to check out.
I loved reading everybody's affirmations and intentions! I got a lot of inspiration from them. Also seeing your altars was really great too!! Thank you for sharing so openly and creatively.

This song is busy soothing my soul right now

See you tomorrow!!


Anonymous said...

I'm hoping to cross into Level 3 territory as well! Maybe after I ease into the process a little more. Have to have that trust..

Pen said...

sometimes i wonder if i over-analyse too... can't wait to hear how you get on.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the soothing song kelly.

i think that the only people wondering if they over-analyze are those with active self awareness. it's a muscle like any other, and sometimes it's good to give it a rest, or maybe a massage. heck, a day at the spa. :)

Caroline said...

Great to be sharing this journey with you! I got a day ahead...but with all the cleaning and organizing I had to do...I never got to make my alter. I am excited to do this tonight!

Jamie Ridler said...

What a beautiful, simple space you've created. Thank you for sharing your own expansion of the affirmation. Powerful!

Miss Robyn said...

I am always analysing myself.. have done ever since I can remember.. maybe it is a personality trait of sensitives.
enjoy day two!

Anonymous said...

I am such a "thinker"--I think things to death! I really have to concentrate some days one really living this moment and not beyond it and not behind it. The breath is the best tool for that that I know. Lovely altar!
Peace~ Dawn